Friday, October 24, 2008

A First Time For Everything...

... including sickness. I posted about Sam's big week a little while ago. He rolled over for the first time and ate cereal for the first time. Well this week he got sick for the first time. He started coughing and had a bit of a runny nose last weekend. We kept him home from church because of the nose but his temperament was the same so I was not that worried about it. On Monday afternoon he had a fever. It went down with Tylenol but was back up again that night. He woke up a few times in the night which is not like him anymore. At 5:00 Tuesday morning his temperature was 100.7. He also had a rash all over his body. I called in sick on Tuesday and took him to see the Dr. that afternoon. She took one look in both of his ears and said that he had a double ear infection. No wonder he woke up in the night not happy. I can now add to my list of firsts....first sickness and first does of antibiotics. He does not like the taste of his medicine at all. We have to give it to him twice a day for ten days and each time is an ordeal. This morning was the first time that I think all of it got in his mouth. The good news though is that he is feeling much better. His cheeks are still pretty red but he hasn't had a fever since Tuesday evening and his ears must be feeling better because he is a lot happier during the day.


Kelly said...

Poor little guy! Isn't giving them meds the worst? I remember Kellen threw up every time I tried to give it to her as a baby. It was awful! Glad he's improving some.

kokadoodle3 said...

Aww... poor Sammy =(, I'm sorry he's sick, that's no fun at any age! I hope he feels better soon, and I hope the rest of you stay healthy.
Love you and miss you!!
Auntie Sara

summer said...

so sorry joy that's no fun :( we are having a dose of ear infections around here too. Soren's first also. thank goodness for antibiotics right.

Pauley's Blog said...

Poor Sammy. Give him a hug from me. Maybe he is the one who gave you the sinus infection. I hope you are feeling better. It's tough raising kids. Take it from me who had lots of experience with you and your brother.
