Friday, January 2, 2009


This goes back to December 12 but I had to write about it. While we were in Arizona over Thanksgiving my mom bought Abby a book called Correctamundo, Prickly Pete's Guide to Desert Facts & Cactifracts. It is a great book and we have read it many times. Here is an example. "Lots of people think javelinas (hav-uh-LEE-nuz) are wild desert pigs. What do you think? FACT or CACTIFRACT?" Then on the next page it says, "If you said CACTIFRACT, perfect, professor porkologist!" The rest of the page goes on to explain all about Javelinas. There are 11 of these. After we got back I talked to Abby's teacher about having my mom come to her classroom to read the story to the kids. She thought it was a great idea. Abby was so excited. She had a t-shirt from Arizona that she wore to school that day. When my mom and I got there we wondered why Abby still had her coat on. Well, it was because she didn't want any of her classmates to see her shirt until it was time. :) My mom did a great job. She would read the question and all the kids would vote by raising their hands and then Abby told them all the right answer. It was very fun. Here are some pictures.


Anonymous said...

Great picture of Maw and Abby teaching class about the desert. That should be a wonderful memory for a long time. Paw

summer said...

that was too cute! i loved seeing your mom in Abby's class and calling her Abigail. Say hi to your mom for me ;0)