Saturday, January 3, 2009


I'm going to combine all of my Christmas posts into one so this is going to be a long one. On Monday the 22nd we had Christmas with my family at our house. I made a prime rib which I was really nervous about but it turned out really good. My friend Amy gave me a great recipe. With it we had twice baked potatoes, green bean casserole, salad, bread, and my mom made burnt cream for dessert. It was a yummy feast. Here are some pictures of the evening.

Katy holding Sam with Dutchess looking on.

Grandma Loon

Matt and Boppa

Abby and Josey opening presents.

Grandma and Grandpa got Abby a Princess Kitchen...

... and a sleeping bag with her name on it.

Jess and Katy's gift to Sam.

Mom saw this sweater on a trip to LaConner a few months ago and loved it. While she was in another shop I snuck back and got it for her. She was very surprised.

The next pictures of on Christmas Eve. The first two were taken in our front yard. We had so much snow. The rest were taken at my parents house where we had a fondue feast with Jane and Michael and Shannon.

My cousin, Shannon, and her husband Michael.

'Ant' Jane with a plague that mom got her. It says, "No rich man is ugly."

Now on to Christmas morning. It was a beautiful snowy white Christmas and we enjoyed it with the kids. Sam woke up a little after 7:00. The three of us were downstairs a little before 8:00 when I heard little feet running across the hall and down the stairs. Abby came bounding down to see the cookies, carrots, and water gone. She had filled a bowl FULL of baby carrots for the reindeer. I had made an egg casserole and some Cinnamon buns so while those were cooking we opened our gifts.

Matt took this of our back yard. Isn't it beautiful!

I can't figure out how to turn this picture around but I thought it was cute. The kids each opened new pajama's the night before so they are posing in their Christmas pj's.

Sam opening his stocking.

Dutchy got a Christmas tennis ball which she quickly destroyed. I think it lasted about 20 minutes.

Me and my kids.

Sam loved his wooden duck from Auntie Sara.

Abby opening her big gift from Santa.

A Barbie party bus! Thanks, Santa.
I forgot my camera Christmas afternoon when we went over to Matt's grandma's but we had a great time there with the whole family (those that live in Washington anyway).
Our final Christmas celebration took place after Christmas at Nana and Grandpa's. Nana made spinach manicotti, garlic bread, and spinach salad. Grandpa got to choose the dessert so of course we had chocolate ice cream. It was another great feast.

Abby and Sam before dinner.

Sam needed a cap nap before opening gifts.

Aunt Lisa and Uncle JT got the game Guess Who for Abby. Sam just wanted to chew on the wrapping.

Nana decided to give each of her kids something old and something new this year. Matt's something old was this tool bench. I love it and can't wait for Sam to be old enough to play with it.

The big hit of the night for Abby was this High School Musical Dance Mat.
We had a wonderful Christmas. It is easy to get wrapped up in all of the gifts of the season but we also took the time to remember the best gift of all in the birth of Jesus.


Anonymous said...

CUTE!! I love the picture of Sam sleeping!! TOO CUTE!! I can't wait until Jake is old enough to know what Christmas is about!

Anonymous said...

Good pictures Joy. You are turning into a good photographer.

Amy said...

Wow that was the longest post I ever read!! Just kidding! You did a great job...and I love the shout out to me!! I'm glad that everything turned out! I will be checking back often! Since we live soooo far away and all!! LOL!!