Monday, March 9, 2009

How much do you spend....

on groceries each month? I don't feel like I go overboard and buy extravagant food items but we spend so much money on groceries each month. I'm curious to know if other people struggle with this as well. Please tell me what you do to save on your food bill without eating Top Ramen every day.


summer said...

I don't have an exact # for you since I'm not a very good record keeper period. Iknow Iknow for shame on me..... something i need to work on. Some months I do and some i don't.

I do know I go to the grocery store about 1 a week and spend around $100-$150. So times $125 by 52 then divide it by 12 I spend around $550/mnth. I'm sure I go over that somemonths but I don't seperate anything from that cleaning supplies, diapers, or any gifts or anything like from walmart etc.
i mostly just try to shop at less expensive stores and by the best price per unit or ounce. I do the best I can but I know it's an area i could improve upon.

Kelly said...

We spend about $280/month on food and another $75 on what I call "household" (toiletries, cleaning supplies, diapers, etc.) I don't count birthday gifts or clothing in that, since that varies from month to month. Before doing the Grocery Game, I was spending $500/month on food and another $150-200 on "household! Even if you don't officially do the Grocery Game, some tips would be to for sure use coupons for toiletry & cleaning supplies! That is where I saved a huge amount! And for food, stock up when something is on sale. If pork tenderloins are a good price, buy 4 of them! If sweet potatoes are a good sale, buy them and incorporate them into your menu that week. And be sure to cook out of your pantry and freezer, and not just go buy individual ingredients for specific recipes (I still do that from time to time if we really want something, but not as much as I used to) These are just some of the things I've learned--hope it helps! I'm going to check back for other peoples' tips, too!

lisa said...

hi joy! JT and I spend about $300 on groceries a month. We plan dinner meals and count on leftovers for lunches, and maybe leftovers once a week to make sure we eat everything we buy. We also budget about $125 for eating out per month... that includes going for coffee with friends or grabbing a snack at 7-11, too. We go to Costco for certain items (like chicken breasts and toilet paper, etc.) and to Martin's for the rest. We like to get lots of frozen veggies and fruits so we can use it sporatically (sp?) without it spoiling. It does seem like food is getting more expensive! Frustrating! We also buy a lot of generic brands instead of name brands. You can save a bundle that way.

Oh, and if there is a farmers market in Lynden or B'ham, you should go there to get bulk spices and herbs! You can save SO MUCH MONEY buying bulk than those little cans at the grocery store!